The average house price on FAIRWOOD LANE is £512,121
The most expensive house in the street is HEATHER COTTAGE FAIRWOOD LANE with an estimated value of £702,241
The cheapest house in the street is BURSCOTT FAIRWOOD LANE with an estimated value of £337,623
The house which was most recently sold was HEATHER COTTAGE FAIRWOOD LANE, this sold on 15 Oct 2021 for £630,000
The postcodes for FAIRWOOD LANE are SA2 7HP, SA2 7HR
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
BURSCOTT FAIRWOOD LANE Detached £337,623 £115,000 24 May 2002
HEATHER COTTAGE FAIRWOOD LANE Detached £702,241 £630,000 15 Oct 2021
LA VILLETA FAIRWOOD LANE Semi-Detached £538,304 £432,500 13 Jun 2019
PRIORS HATCH FAIRWOOD LANE Detached £470,317 £380,700 18 Oct 2019